Before reclining chairs and sumptious sofas people used a footstool to stretch out their legs after another long hard day at work. When making dinner the footstool was summoned to reach the furthest jar in the cupboard when your vertically challenged mother could stretch no more. The relics of childhood footstools in our house are now battered wooden structures in need of a lick of paint!
Earlier incarnations of footstools have survived the years because most were carved from hard wearing wood such as oak or teak. Most were valued and lovingly cared for by their owners. With the passage of time footstools were reupholstered, some with needlepoint others with tapestry or quilted covers. I have always treasured my collection of footstools as valued pieces of antique furniture in their own right.
With my own footstool collection, some are valued for the beauty of the wood and the ornate decoration of the carving while others are displayed for their beautiful fabrics and aesthetic qualities. Small wooden footstools are wonderful when displayed on a table shelf or a large bookcase . You will find a lot of valued footstools in the homes of antique dealers. Such people are in the business because they treasure what they sell. And with the passage of time precious articles can accumulate. Things look better on a table or shelf albeit on different levels, perhaps with a glass frontage or spotlight to aid display. Instead of clutter a display of footstools creates interest, a focal point for guests at a gathering or party. They are indeed museum pieces for the home, a valuable journal of days gone by.
By the middle of the twentieth century footstools became large square hassocks. And yet, these wonderful pieces were built to last footstools before that era are still plentiful today at a good price. They were not thrown away, instead, they were kept to enjoy for the beauty they are. From me to you, add a footstool to your home, it's a fabulous conversation piece that really does create a home sweet home statement.
The author runs several well respected furniture businesses and is a respected authority on the subject of footstools and modern furniture design.
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